My Liebster Award

Thank you so much, Bharati Singha of Interesting Things: Interesting things on Earth, for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I am pleasantly surprised that you found my blog interesting enough to be nominated for this award... ^_^ Thank you, thank you, thank you...

The rules of Liebster award:

1) Each nominee must thank and link back the person who nominated them.

2) Answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominator.

3) Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.

4) Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

5) Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by notifying them.

The questions from Bharati.... (which I've answered, which are hopefully interesting answers... :P )

1. Why did you start your blog? 

I started a blog way back in 2008...but back then, I used to mostly document my poetry in...and till 2011, I kept using my blog as a place to write poem rants. From 2012, it all changed.... I discovered the perks of blogging thanks to fellow blogger, Swarnali, and from this year, blogging has been a huge part of my life.

2. Who is your favorite author and why?

Ruskin Bond. He was one of the first authors who opened my eyes to extremely good Indian Writing in English...and I grew up with his first protagonist, Rusty. Rusty was my first crush and I don't think I've gotten over him.

3. What is the most delicious food you have ever eaten?

Doi-Maach. Especially when it's cooked by my mum...I am not a foodie at all...but this is ONE dish, I can eat all the time and enjoy it thoroughly too.

4. What is your favorite quote and by whom? 

"Never give up on the one thing, that you cannot go a day without thinking about." ~ Anonymous

"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December" ~ J.M. Barrie

"The only reward for virtue is virtue - the only way to have a friend, is to be one." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

5. What is your favorite post that you’ve written? (Please provide link!)

Most of the posts I've written have been my favorite, at one point of time or another. So I'll pick them from three different categories.

Poem: Remembering in the Rain

Musing: You're NOT lonely, even if you are alone 

Short Story: Written in the Stars

6. Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?

Pondicherry. There's no doubt about restores your energy, makes you feel good and one of the best places to discover yourself.

7. What do you believe is the greatest flaw among people?

That we listen too less, think too much and jump to conclusions (most of the time).
8. What do you like to do on the weekends?

Read a good book, play with Pippo (my cat), laze around for a bit, watch movies....anything to keep myself from working/studying.

9. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I'd probably learn how to sing. :-) But if that's too normal, then I'd love to learn how to cook delicious food, without taking too much of time....

10. What’s worse? A screaming Boss on Fridays or an emotionally manipulative mom? Explain.

Since I don't have an emotionally manipulative mum, I'd go with the boss... but I'm still a student. And the part-time jobs I have, never had the bosses screaming at me... Can I get a rain cheque on this question? :P

Here, I pass on the Liebster Award: 

My Nominees for the Award are:

1. Diptee Raut - Dip-Tea Blogs Here 
2. Pooja Dasgupta: DiaLifeStyle 
3. Deeptiman Chatterjee: The Shameless Blogger 
4. Abhishek Mukherjee: Abhishek's Blog 
5. Swarnali Das & Arpita Mahapatra: Dreams And Drama
6. Soumya Mukherjee: The Placid Rambler 
7. Shivani Goyal: Words I Feel 
8. Sudeshna Thakurta: Proses, Verses, Conversations
9. Priyanka Roy Banerjee: One and Half Minutes 
10. Mohit Jain: Simply Mohit

The 10 Questions You Have to Answer Now: 

1. Okay, let me start with a juvenile question: When is your birthday? 
2. Which place is your Dream Destination? 
3. Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character? If yes, who was it? 
4. What is the one thing you like the most about yourself?
5. Your favorite book of all times is....? 
6. The one person who means the world to you is...?
7. How did you become a blogger?
8. Say you own a magic carpet... (like the one in Aladdin), would you take your Jasmine for the tour or would you take your best friend?
9. If you could keep any animal as a pet, which one would it be?
10. What is the one thing you wish to own someday? (I'm talking about gadgets, book collections, instruments..etc..if money wasn't the obstacle.)


  1. Thank you so much for nominating us!! And thank you so much for the mention. :D You know how thankful I'm to blogging, I wouldn't have known you otherwise. And well No. 7, I'm guilty as charged :-/ :(

    1. The funny thing is, you promised to give me my first award... :D
      But someone else did, and I nominated you :P
      Ha ha 7, we are ALL guilty as charged.
      and yes, thanks to blogging I met you and thanks to you, my circle increased... :D Love you loads <3

  2. 1. Okay, let me start with a juvenile question: When is your birthday?
    28th April, 1982
    2. Which place is your Dream Destination?
    3. Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character? If yes, who was it?
    Dhrubo Choudhury from Durbeen by Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay
    4. What is the one thing you like the most about yourself and why?
    I'm patient while hearing out others (You'd agree, won't you?)
    5. Your favorite book of all times is....?
    The Diary of Anne Frank
    6. The one person who means the world to you is...?
    7. How did you become a blogger?
    Been blogging since 2007, just wanted to vent out dark times through words. Resumed blogging seriously in January 2013, mostly inspired by DDS of b00kr3vi3ws
    8. Say you own a magic carpet... (like the one in Aladdin), would you take your Jasmine for the tour or would you take your best friend?
    My best friend (that's my husband, coincidentally)
    9. If you could keep any animal as a pet, which one would it be?
    Tiger cub
    10. What is the one thing you wish to own someday? (I'm talking about gadgets, book collections, instruments..etc..if money wasn't the obstacle.)
    A Swarovski studded Mauser pistol.

    1. Well, even though this is kind of not in the rules, I am fine with it, Priyanaka di...
      Thank you for answering the questions :)

  3. Congrats for ur leibster aniesha.. and one day hopefully u wl hv a super screaming boss

    1. Thank you, Ritesh...
      Le'ts see...maybe I'll be my own boss ^_^

  4. Thanks a lot! I will write a post in which I'll answer all your questions very soon :)

    1. Hi Shivani,
      I look forward to your post.. ^_^

  5. Wonderful answers, Aniesha. Glad you accepted the award and posted it so beautifully :)


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