Day 10: The Best Trip of My Life


2012 was a terrible year for me. But there was just one thing which cancelled out all the bad things, and made everything in the end, seem worth it. That was the fact it was my first trip with friends.

With Indrani & Pradeepta at the Mirik Lake,
Picture Courtesy: Pramurta 
It was the trip to Darjeeling. Being the crazy people we are, we booked our hotel even before knowing how we were going to get there in the first place...and we were going there in December. During the time nearly everyone decides to pay the place a visit. 

So being the geniuses we are, we ended up going to Shiliguri by road. (Yes, we were such daredevils). But we enjoyed that road trip immensely....and from Shiliguri we took a car to Mirik. Where we would spend one night, before journeying on to Darjeeling. 

And in Darjeeling..and picture courtesy to the great husky again! :D
I loved Darjeeling. Perhaps I didn't get to do all the things normal tourists do...but I am guessing it was the company which has had me appreciate this trip like no other. In fact, I'm sharing all the pictures of the people both in front (and behind the camera), who are the reason for me calling this the best trip of my life. 

I don't want to go into details about the trip - because well, I cannot explain why I loved every minute of Mirik-Darjeeling in words.

And I love this picture:

Picture Courtesy: Pradeepta Mandal :D


  1. I don't know. I think it will be my trip to Kashmir when i was a little kid. It is just that I don't remember much of that trip now. But i do remember having really enjoyed.

    And among the trips I remember and cherish the most, would be my trip with SSM to Shimla. We weren't married then and nobody in our families knew we were going. so it was romantic and thrilling at the same time. and Fun.

  2. I think the VERY best trip of my life is yet to happen. For now, Darjeeling it is :D


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