Musing: The New Year

So the New Year has finally rolled around, and if I am compare it to last has been off to one amazing start. The memories from last year are so clearly etched on my mind. Sometimes I sit and I wonder how I could be the girl I was last year. Then again, time does heal your wounds and puts you back together in such away, that you begin to realize, what doesn't kill you, certainly makes you stronger.

At least, that's what has happened with me.

2014 is a brand New Year and it means I can get to write the story of my life, any way I want now. So, I am going to start by making my New Year Resolutions:

  1. Write a little every day. Whether it's on my blog, my journal, my notebooks...but I will write something everyday, for sure.
  2. Do at ONE thing each day that makes me happy. That can range from watching television, to reading old books, to marking out favorite quotes. But for half an hour every day, I'm going to be at my place of pure bliss.
  3. Keep my room in order. Only I and the God Lord knows the NUMBER of times I've given my room spring cleans in 2013. So I'll sort through my stuff and get my room in order once and for all.
  4. Get into the habit of writing a daily journal...and not limit the entries to the day's events. I realize now that journals can be used to foster both literary and creative skills.
  5. Exercise more. There's no other way to feel good than being fit and of the best ways of doing that is to exercise...go for walks, go running, and most of all, wake up in the mornings from a good night's sleep.
  6. Complete the story I began writing in October 2013...of course changes need to be made but, I am sure I will get there well before 2014 comes to an end.
  7. Be calm about turning another year older in September. Life is sweet, and getting older is just another part of growing up.
  8. Finish whatever I decide to start this year. Be it making a scrapbook,  starting a photo journal,  learning another language, falling in love or even tidying up my book shelf.
  9. Learn to cook more things other than cakes and mousse..basically broaden my horizon from just baking. Other food are good too.
  10. just be very happy and make sure 2014 turns out to be way better year than 2013. Because, at the end of the day, that's my New Year Resolution: to be happy. 
2013 was a good year, yes. 
But I want 2014 to be phenomenal.... 


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